I have received a warning message from Hornet

At Hornet, we will send you a message when our moderation team has reason to believe that you are breaking Hornet’s Terms of Service or Usage Guidelines. The message will give you the reason. 

The message will be sent if your profile/post is flagged to our moderation team or if other users report your profile/post.

When your profile or post is flagged to our moderation team, the warning message will only be sent when there is clear evidence that you have broken Hornet’s rules and action will already have been taken. In these cases, please change your behavior to avoid your account being suspended. We will not accept any disputes against the warning message.

In other cases, you have been reported by multiple users on the app and we are sending the message to let you know about it. In these cases, if you feel that the report is unfair, please let us know. You can contact us here. Our customer support team will investigate the disputed reports. If they find the reports were false, they will remove the report from your profile and will take action against the user who reported you. However, if they find that the reports are correct, they will take action against your account. 

As a reminder, these are the reasons why we will send one of the above messages to you:

  • Commercial/Charity Profile: We do not allow any form of commercial or charity profile. You cannot sell goods or services. You cannot offer goods or services, even if they are free.
  • Escort Services: We do not allow any form of escort work to be offered, sold, or exchanged on the app.
  • Massage Services: We do not allow any form of massage service to be offered.
  • Abusive/Offensive Behavior: Any messages, comments, or posts that attack another user or are homophobic, serophobic, racist, transphobic, sexist, ableist, or body shaming. This is not an exhaustive list.
  • Impersonation: Photos on your profile must be of you. You cannot use the photos of another person. If we suspect that you are pretending to be someone else, you will be notified that you must complete verification within 48 hours. After this time, your profile will be blocked.
  • Underage: You must be 18 years of age or older. Any user who looks younger will have their profile suspended. You will need to contact our support team and provide photographic proof that you are at least 18 years old. If we suspect that you are underage, you will be notified that you must verify your age within 48 hours. After this time, your profile will be blocked.
  • Spamming: We do not allow any type of spamming on Hornet. This includes sending messages or posting comments.
  • Drugs: We do not allow drugs or drug use to be shown or mentioned on profiles. This includes references to “PNP”, “Slamming” or “Party and Play”, or emojis commonly used to represent drugs.

We strongly recommend that you do not ignore the warning you receive, as further violations will result in your profile being blocked, without the possibility of appealing it.

If you cannot find a solution in our FAQ, please write to us at feedback@hornet.com. It is important that you include your Account ID so that we can trace your account. Your Account ID is located on your profile, on the top center of the screen, and begins with the “@” symbol.

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